Laws and Regulation Related to CBD

Walt Dickinson
3 min readFeb 22, 2021

CBD is a high-demand compound, and the use of CBD is growing every day. People find it easy to combat different health problems related to stress, anxiety, and other things with this natural ingredient. CBD is not free from legal supervision because the compound is obtained from the cannabis plants, from which THC is also derived. THC is a psychoactive compound and illegal for your use. Since CBD has a connection with THC, users must stay aware of the laws and regulations of using CBD, especially while traveling.

If you are worried about whether your CBD is legal in your flight or not, we can solve your question by explaining the laws related to traveling with CBD.

In the United States, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) regulates public transportation’s safety and security. For safety measures, TSA has banned some items from being carried in an aircraft. Medical marijuana is one of the items prohibited by TSA.

Before the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018, TSA also banned CBD as a prohibited item as it was illegal under federal law. Although CBD derived from marijuana is still illegal, CBD from hemp passed the test and is allowed by TSA. They have updated that information on their website also.

They have clearly mentioned that hemp-derived CBD products approved by the FDA are legal as long as they are produced, maintaining the rules under the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018.

So, you can travel with CBD when it is derived from the hemp plant, maintaining the right standard of production. Remember that the CBD from marijuana is still illegal and a prohibited item.

Although hemp and marijuana are species of cannabis, they have a different concentration of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). THC is a psychoactive compound.

Marijuana is an illegal substance under Federal Law because it contains a higher amount of THC. While hemp contains no more than 0.3% THC, the concentration of THC in marijuana is more than 30%. The hemp plant was also considered an agricultural commodity under the law.

So, you can take CBD along with you while traveling. But, it should be from the hemp plants. You must visit a quality CBD store to ensure that the product is manufactured, adhering to all guidelines stated by the law. Many new companies sell cheap CBD products. They do not follow the cultivation rules and often add a higher amount of THC. Always carry important documents like the Certificate of Analysis of your product to avoid any legal procedures. Sometimes, it is very difficult to make people understand the differences between hemp-derived CBD and CBD from marijuana. You need all legal proves to make your point clear at the airport.

Shopfso is a renowned and trusted company that offers a vast product collection for you. Buy quality CBD products from us and enjoy the best benefits of CBD for your health. We have CBD wellness products, skincare products, and more. Contact us for more details.



Walt Dickinson

The writer of the content is researching CBD and the health benefits. He wrote many blogs and articles on the right use of CBD for your health.